Christmas Cheer To Costa Rican Children
November 25, 2011
The Goodness Company Named to Wisconsin’s Top Business List for 2012
January 19, 2012The spirit of Christmas is alive and well in Costa Rica

This is our fifth year giving away toys in Costa Rica to children whose faith in Santa was non-existent. Five years ago, children in the poorest neighborhoods of Costa Rica got to meet Santa for the first time. Simple questions like “Why haven’t you ever visited me before, Santa?” tugged on hearts and brought tears to our eyes. The smiles and laughter from children who never had their own toys was the impetus for us to continue this work.
Many generous donation have been pouring in to fund the project and to each and every one of you, we want to say we are forever grateful. You have helped create a belief in the Christmas spirit that many thought was lost. For all of our new fans on Facebook, we have donated a toy in your name. That child receiving the toy will know that someone cares about their happiness.
Look for the video and a page on our website devoted to Project Santa Claus. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
Hamilton Wright Mabi