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January 6, 2014Social Responsibility Marketing: Because People Care that You Care

“Social responsibility” is the philosophy that organizations and companies have an obligation to society as a whole and that they should embrace projects and practices that are not solely focused on maximizing profit.
Social responsibility seeks to avoid excessive consumerism, misuse of the environment, and overlooking poor local conditions. It favors humanistic and environmental approaches. Social responsibility marketing is the practice of helping socially responsible companies grow and increase their positive brand recognition by promoting their good deeds and socially conscious actions to their vendors, partners and customers.
Why Is Your Social Responsibility Marketing Strategy Important?
The Internet has eroded the power of price as a deciding factor when choosing products and services. Being the most inexpensive option is not always the best strategy anymore. In an era where global competition is encouraging so many companies to match their competitor’s prices, lower pricing has lost its powerful position.
Customers today do not make their purchasing decisions based on price alone. They are influenced by many other factors such as quality, service, values and trustworthiness. The social responsibility programs of your organization also influence potential customers. Consumers value good, positive and humane actions that a potential vendor takes because they want to do business with those organizations that demonstrate compassion and humanity through good works. They feel that, by association, such a responsible company will also treat them fairly and humanely.
A powerful brand is less about price and more about values. When a company’s brand is strong, the customer will return to the company again and again. By letting your customers know that you’re socially responsible, you will fortify your brand and establish it firmly in the mind of the customer. This is the value of social responsibility marketing; the value of showing that your company cares.
That’s why it’s in your best interest to bring attention to the social responsibility programs of your company and to market them effectively. Social responsibility marketing ensures that your organization’s charitable actions receive wide attention and are visible to both your current and potential customers. Social responsibility marketing management allows you leverage community and charity initiatives to help build your brand.
Factors to Consider when Promoting Your Social Responsibility Programs
When marketing your social responsibility programs, the following types of initiatives will increase the value of your brand and make your company more appealing when marketed effectively.
Showing that You Help the Less Fortunate
Unfortunately, there is inequality in the world. There are people who lack even the most basic essentials needed for an acceptable quality of living such as water, health services, food and shelter. By showing that you’re allocating resources to improving the quality of life for those who need it the most, customers will see your company in a positive light and associate buying from you with helping the causes they believe in.
Helping Out In World or National Tragedies
Frequently and sadly, there are natural disasters that put people’s homes and lives in jeopardy. These events galvanize the attention of the media. Contributing to the relief effort is not only the humane thing to do, but also demonstrates to your customers and potential customers that you are committed to alleviating suffering in the world. By coming to the aid of those who have lost everything they valued overnight, your organization’s actions will be viewed with respect and admiration.
Protecting Our Planet
There is only one planet and our collective actions are damaging it. Many customers today won’t buy from a company that pollutes the planet. By helping conserve our environment, you’ll make your company attractive to the continuously growing number of customers who are ecologically aware.
Promoting your social responsibility programs is not only the right thing to do; it’s also the smart thing to do. However, it’s not easy. A company should not give the promotion of its social responsibility programs so much priority that core information about products, services and prices gets neglected. In addition, sensational or self-congratulatory images and phrases should be avoided. Finally, your style and tone should be fine tuned to avoid projecting self-righteousness.
The Goodness Company has the experience and knowledge required for marketing social responsibility programs in an effective manner. We design social responsibility marketing plans that maximize the positive impact of your charitable efforts. We can help you transmit your values and image effectively, showing customers and potential customers that your organization has a human side and is committed to making the world a better place.